I’m Tired!

Almost every time another Black man is murdered, I think about when the Harvey police pulled my son over and pointed their guns in his face! He had done nothing wrong. He had just left Ingalls from visiting his dad after his dad’s surgery.

I think about how they could’ve murdered my son for nothing!! We would’ve probably never found out what really happened because folks were not recording like they are today. They would’ve tried to paint my son as a criminal. God protected my son that day!!

I have been mostly reflecting and not doing a lot of talking about what people should or should not be doing. I don’t have the answers and neither do you.

I know I’m tired! I’m tired of Black people being murdered by police. I’m tired of encountering racist behavior from others. I’m tired of white privilege. I’m tired of us being mistreated because of the color of our skin. I’m tired of having to navigate through this world in defensive mode ALL THE TIME!

I’m tired of folks who sit on high horses like they do everything right and use their platform to bash others for the choices they make. I’m tired of folks comparing what’s happening to the crime that happens in communities. It’s not the same! If I kill someone, I’m going to jail. Police don’t seem to have that same understanding.

I’m tired of folks want to speak out about how wrong the rioting is, but didn’t speak out about a Black man being murdered. I’m tired of folks who love Black culture, but don’t like Black people. I’m tired of these protest calisthenics: make your profile picture Black, don’t buy anything on this day, boycott this company, cancel this person and NOTHING has changed!

Black people are still being murdered by police, Black people are still being murdered by the local neighborhood racists, companies are still producing racially insensitive advertising and products, we are still being followed around stores, we are still being questioned about why we are in certain spaces, we are still being falsely accused and imprisoned, and we are still having to fight to wear the hair that grows out of our heads! I AM TIRED!

2 thoughts on “I’m Tired!”

  1. Praying that a movement evolves that slightly nudges. Eradication of racism isn’t in scope, but if we can at least move directionally…because TIRED is understated! I don’t even have words…

    DISCUSSIONS MATTER has been resisted…so hoping that as the lights come on, law enforcement will see the need to embrace it. I am seeing something NEW. Law enforcement, standing up, speaking out, against other LEOs who are clearly violating their oath to protect and serve. The blue wall is cracking…

    In the end, God continues to be our refuge.


    1. I’m in agreement of moving forward because we t seems we haven’t budged! When we can read “The Fire Next Time” written by James Baldwin and feel like he must be taking about today – that’s a problem!

      Yes, I see the cracks and I pray they embrace your work and use it to be better!

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